Add an SPH to an existing order

$60.00 - $130.00
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This listing is to add an SPH (strategically placed hole) to your existing order. Choose your favorite style!

Please note: this item requires another item ordered for the SPH to be added on to.
Not sure what style you want? Take a look at our SPH Guide here!

If you want to add an SPH to a suit, these are typically done as a tunnel that connects from the inside layer to the outside layer. The reason is because for the SPH to be usable, it needs to be stretched out and the only way to do this is to connect it in between the two layers. The strongest connection is a cylinder so even if you would like one end (inside or outside) to be sealed off so that it is only visible and usable from either the inside or the outside, we will start with a tunnel and then cover one end (see photos for how this looks). Alternatively we can install an inflatable SPH like we install on toys and these are only open on one end. If you choose an inflatable SPH to be installed on a suit, they don't really do much good if mounted on the inside since they stay suctioned to your body with the inner layer and you can't move in/out of it. They work fine on the outside of the suit though. If you choose a hand-hole sheath, it is a non-inflatable, single layer, loose-fitting sheath that is sealed to the outside but it is inside a pocket that is big enough for soneone To reach in and grab the sheath. The pocket is also sealed and only allows a have to grope the sheath. 



If you are looking for an SPH that is not connected to another item, please check out our In-House PVC Pleasure Tubes or Factory-Made DIY SPH massager tubes