Made To Order- Inflatable Egg Suit with Colored Spots

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FM-Eggsuit w/ spots-1
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This inflatable egg suit, based on our existing inflatable egg suit with counterweight, has six large spots (your choice of color) on the outside, using .4mm material on outer layer. Spots are created by printing on the white material of the egg.

This price includes creation of the suit, stress testing, and reinforcement of any weak points we find.

Measurements will be requested after purchase. To see how to acquire your measurements, please refer to our video here.

NOTE: Changes after customer's approval of rendering or cancellation after purchase of this listing will result in an additional fee.

This custom item is created by a production partner and as such may take longer than originally estimated to create.

Before purchasing, please view our Terms of Agreement and Policies

Though it doesn't usually take that long, due to the number of orders we receive and the small size of our company it can take up to six months to receive your order.

Squeeze Level: Enthusiast