Made to Order- Balloon Dog Suit

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Please note this item is made to order and can take up to 6 months for delivery.

After we have received your order we may contact you for additional measurements using the email address provided at checkout. 

This is a suit that is made to look like a balloon dog (designed by Olaf Kostersson - @F1red0gg0 on Telegram). 

The suit can be ordered as a single layer with blower fans to keep it inflated (also keeps you cool and comfortable inside) and with perforated eye holes to see and also to let exhaust air out. Or it can be made single layered with an airtight zipper and snorkel mouthpiece for breathing (no blower fans). Or the default option is for it to be made double layered which is what most people want because the double layered design squeezes you very nicely. 

The single layered sealed and the double layered designs come with a breathing tube with snorkel mouthpiece as standard. The breathing tube exists on top of the head. Entry is accessed by a zipper on the back of the suit. Additional emergency valves are located near the mouth and the fingertips.

Available material colors and thicknesses change daily, so contact us to see what's available.

If a transparent color is chosen, no eye holes will be added. If a solid color is chosen, small perforated holes with clear vinyl will be added for vision by default. 

This price includes creation of suit, testing, and reinforcement of weak spots.

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Though it doesn't usually take that long, due to the number of orders we receive and the small size of our company it can take up to six months to receive your order.

Squeeze Level: Enthusiast

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  • 5
    very good

    Posted by alex on Sep 6th 2024

    This is a very good single layer suit my first single layer suit in fact