Repairs can take up to 3 months once we have received your item and DOES NOT include shipping times. We will be sure to inform you each time your order changes status.
This listing is for repairing or reinforcing a PVC inflatable item. We are a small team and are only able to take a small number of repairs at a time. If this listing is sold out, please check back regularly.
Price begins at $28/hr which is enough to do up to 1 foot of repair. We ask that you purchase one of these to hold your place in line for repair after consulting with us. If an item is sent in without purchasing at least one pvc repair service and/or consultation the package will be refused and shipped back to the sender.
NOTE: This price DOES NOT include the return shipping fee. As different items weigh different amounts, a separate and unique invoice will be created for your item's return shipment.
For the protection of our employees, all pieces must be cleaned and dried thoroughly before shipping to us. ANY ITEM THAT IS RECEIVED DIRTY WILL BE RETURNED TO THE CUSTOMER WITHOUT REPAIRS.
RETURN SHIPPING: Because each repair item is different, we are unable to offer free or standardized shipping for this particular service. As such, we create a separate return shipping listing for each order upon the completion of the repair. The item(s) will not be shipped back until this is paid.
Once repairs have been completed, we will reach out to you and send a direct link with the balance for any remaining labor and return shipping. You have up to 1 month to pay this, after which a storage fee will be added for each additional week it is not paid. Items will not be shipped until the full balance, including any storage fees, has been paid. This information is included in the RMA that is required for any repairs to be made. This storage fee may be altered should the customer contact Candy Coated regarding a payment plan.